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Avoid the walk-in price list at the Sharjah Airport terminal kiosks. Either book atleast a day in advance before landing at Sharjah or schedule a delivery or get to your hotel in Sharjah. You can see the prices on OneClickDrive and be sure to get the best deal. No mark-ups, no hassle!

If you are a UAE Resident... UAE Driving License, Copy of Passport, Copy of Residential Visa, Copy of Emirates ID. If you are a Tourist / Visitor... Driving License from Country of Origin, International Driving Permit, Copy of Passport, Copy of Visit Visa. Security Deposit: AED 1000 - AED 10,000 depending on the car

1. At the time of delivery, check for existing dents and scratches if any - best is to shoot a video circling the car and share it with the car rental company driver / manager at the start to avoid any future misunderstanding 2. Always return the car with same level of fuel as was provided - take a picture before starting if required

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If you are visiting Sharjah and need a set of wheels at the airport, things could not be easier. Rent a car from our local suppliers at local rates. Schedule a delivery as per your flight arrival time and head on straight to the parking lot. Instant paperwork and start driving right away!

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