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  • Compare offers from over 50 rent a car companies in the Kuwait, filter based on your location, budget and requirement.
  • Narrow down with your preferences: car specs, mileage limit, insurance included, car features and so on.
  • Short-list the best offers by the car rental provider and contact them directly via phone, WhatsApp or request a call back.
  • Be sure to ask for the actual pictures and specs of the car before finalizing the deal.
  • Book directly, free of markups!
Search through the widest range of car brands and models for rent in Kuwait City. Book budget car rentals, SUVs, Luxury Cars, sports cars and more straight from local car hire agencies.
  • Choose a company that’s located near you or offers fast delivery in your location, if you would need pick-up and delivery.
  • At the time of delivery, check for existing dents and scratches, if any, best to shoot a video circling the car and take close-up pictures of the existing damages. Share them with the car rental service provider instantly to avoid any misunderstandings that may arise later.
  • Always best to provide the security deposit by credit card as a pre-authorization block, which automatically releases after 20-30 days from the end date of your rental.
  • Please be sure to sign a car rental agreement issued under the same company name as advertised on the OneClickDrive website or mobile app. Be sure to save a soft copy of the agreement so you have documented proof of your rental.
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Rent a SUV in Kuwait

Do you need a lot of room for your family or group of friends to travel? The wise decision is to hire an SUV in Kuwait. Our market has a wide selection of SUVs that are ideal for traversing Kuwait's busy streets and beyond. SUVs are the perfect blend of comfort, space, and manoeuvrability.

What Makes SUV Rental in Kuwait a Good Idea?

SUVs, in particular, have spacious cabins that provide a comfortable trip for everybody. You will like the extra room whether you are starting a family road trip, going to a conference, or just walking around the city.

SUVs are well known for being adaptable. They offer a comfortable and controlled ride, which makes them ideal for both exploring Kuwait's breathtaking scenery and navigating urban streets.

Do you have to carry sports equipment, are you moving, or are you starting a trip? SUVs have a large amount of cargo space, so there is always enough for bags, gear, and baggage.

We give SUV monthly rental choices from dependable companies for individuals looking for the highest convenience. Whether you want the freedom of monthly leasing or are planning to remain for a while, our market provides what you need. These rentals are not only cost-effective, but also a great option for families and business travellers.

 It's never been simpler to hire an SUV thanks to our simple platform. Colour, size, and even pricing are options that you may choose from in accordance with your preferences. Enjoy the luxury and spaciousness of an SUV as you travel across Kuwait.

Frequently Asked Questions

With us, renting an SUV in Kuwait couldn't be simpler. Simply go through the SUVs that are offered, choose the one that appeals to you, and get in touch with the supplier by phone or WhatsApp.

To satisfy every taste and inclination, we provide a wide variety of SUVs. Use our filtering tools to discover the precise SUV you're looking for. We have everything you need, whether you want anything little or large.

Absolutely! Your convenience is our top priority. Our suppliers have monthly SUV rental options. It's the ideal option whether you want to stay in Kuwait for a lengthy period of time or just desire the independence that comes with a long-term rental.

The normal minimum age in Kuwait for hiring an SUV is 21 years old. Please be aware, though, that the minimum age requirement might change based on the rental company.

The majority of SUV rentals come with fundamental insurance protection, which frequently includes liability and coverage for harm caused by accidents. We also provide extra insurance alternatives to meet your tastes and needs for additional peace of mind.

For their road excursions and vacations, families in Kuwait frequently choose SUVs like the Toyota Land Cruiser, Nissan Patrol, and Chevrolet Tahoe. These SUVs are ideal for family road trips since they have plenty of room for both passengers and luggage.

Note: The above listings including the prices are updated by the respective car rental company. Incase the car is not available at the price mentioned (exclusive of VAT), please inform us and we’ll get back to you with the best alternative. Happy renting!

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