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  • Compare offers from over 50 rent a car companies in the Kuwait, filter based on your location, budget and requirement.
  • Narrow down with your preferences: car specs, mileage limit, insurance included, car features and so on.
  • Short-list the best offers by the car rental provider and contact them directly via phone, WhatsApp or request a call back.
  • Be sure to ask for the actual pictures and specs of the car before finalizing the deal.
  • Book directly, free of markups!
Search through the widest range of car brands and models for rent in Kuwait City. Book budget car rentals, SUVs, Luxury Cars, sports cars and more straight from local car hire agencies.
  • Choose a company that’s located near you or offers fast delivery in your location, if you would need pick-up and delivery.
  • At the time of delivery, check for existing dents and scratches, if any, best to shoot a video circling the car and take close-up pictures of the existing damages. Share them with the car rental service provider instantly to avoid any misunderstandings that may arise later.
  • Always best to provide the security deposit by credit card as a pre-authorization block, which automatically releases after 20-30 days from the end date of your rental.
  • Please be sure to sign a car rental agreement issued under the same company name as advertised on the OneClickDrive website or mobile app. Be sure to save a soft copy of the agreement so you have documented proof of your rental.
Showing 1 - 20 of 29 cars
Showing 1 - 20 of 29 cars

Creating Memorable Journeys with Car Rentals in Kuwait

Each of the neighbourhoods in Kuwait has its own charm. We make sure that car rental services are accessible from anywhere in Kuwait. For instance, the suppliers for rent a car in Fahaheel Kuwait specifically if you're staying in or around Fahaheel and require a vehicle. 

At OneClickDrive, we are here to make sure your trip is unforgettable whether you're in Kuwait for a day, a month, or even longer. Our varied fleet, which ranges from luxury to affordable, SUVs to sedans, is prepared to meet all of your needs. 

Popular Types of Cars Rented in Kuwait

Luxury Cars: Our luxury car rentals in Kuwait are the ideal option for individuals who value finer things in life. Imagine driving around in a rent Range Rover in Kuwait's streets and attracting attention everywhere you go. Our fleet has the finest in luxury, whether you're attending a business event, a gala, or just want to splurge while you're there. 

SUV’s: Our SUV rental Kuwait alternatives are hard to top for individuals who are in need of power and spaciousness. These cars are ideal for road trips with the family, for gatherings of people, or even for solitary travels when you might need a little extra space for your things.

Sedans: If you’re someone who has a certain brand in mind, whether you’re looking to rent a BMW such as the BMW 3 Series, the BMW 5 Series or the BMW 7 Series, then our luxury sedan selection is extensive and well kept. 

Economy Cars: Our platform also has suppliers that provide specialised services like Toyota rent a car Kuwait for people who have certain preferences. Many of our clients prefer Toyota vehicles because of their reputation for dependability and efficiency. 

Best Tips to Consider 

Your Trip Can Start Right From the Airport 

Our kuwait airport car rental service is meant to get you on the road as soon as possible because of this. Simply make your reservation, and your preferred car will be waiting for you when you arrive. Additionally, if you're leaving Kuwait, our car rental kuwait airport drop-off service guarantees a seamless conclusion to your trip.

So why wait? Explore our marketplace to locate the ideal car for your trip to Kuwait!

Frequently Asked Questions

A valid driver's licence from your home country and an international driving permit (IDP) are normally required if you are a foreigner and want to rent a car in Kuwait. Residents may drive with their Kuwaiti licence.

The majority of car rental agencies in Kuwait mandate that drivers be at least 21 years old, while some may make this age limit higher, particularly for more expensive or big cars. For drivers who are younger than a specific age or have less driving experience, there may be an extra charge.

Different rental businesses may have different insurance coverage. Basic insurance is typically included with rentals, but further protection for peace of mind is frequently chargeable. Usually, breakdown insurance is incorporated, providing round-the-clock support in the event of any mechanical problems.

Each rental business has its own mileage rules. While some have daily or monthly limits and charge extra if you go over it, others could give unlimited miles. Verify the details offered for each rental offer with the car rental company.

Credit cards are often required in Kuwait for the deposit, and most car rental agencies pre-authorize a certain amount on your card as a security hold. However, some establishments could allow debit cards for payments.

You may pick up your rental car at one location and drop it off at a different one thanks to some rental agencies' one-way rental options. Be advised that depending on the company's policy, this convenience can have an extra cost.

Yes, additional features incur extra fees. These could include kid safety seats, GPS navigation systems, extra driver protection, and others.

You should notify the rental business right away if there is any damage. Depending on the insurance plan you've chosen, your obligation may change. Without comprehensive insurance, you can be liable for repairs up to the security deposit's value.

Note: The above listings including the prices are updated by the respective car rental company. Incase the car is not available at the price mentioned (exclusive of VAT), please inform us and we’ll get back to you with the best alternative. Happy renting!

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