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  • Reem Dubai is a master project by Emaar Properties, a leading developer in Dubai’s real estate market. It is a contemporary lifestyle community launched in 2013. Reem community offers several residential communities inspired by the Mediterranean and Arabic architecture. These projects will be unveiled in phases. This exotic neighbourhood features camel riding trails, sand surfing, go karting tracks, an exclusive desert botanical park with camping facilities and dune buggies a short ride away. Additionally, residents will have easy access to jogging paths and the 80 km long Al Qudra Cycle path.Reem Dubai is a modern desert oasis and the first residential community in Dubai to have a huge central park. As it reaches the completion date, residents will be able to facilitate from football, basketball and volleyball pitches, a skate park, restaurants and cafes, kid’s play areas and an amphitheatre outdoor cinema all set within the vicinity. Emaar has already launched two well-planned districts, Mira and Mira Oasis, whereas, more residential sub-communities are under construction.
  • 开发商: 伊玛尔
  • 地点: 雷姆
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