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Jeep - дочерняя компания итало-американской корпорации Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, бренд американских автомобилей и подразделение FCA US LLC. В 2016 году Jeep продал 1,4 миллиона внедорожников по всему миру, по сравнению с 500 000 в 2008 году, две трети из которых пришлись на Северную Америку. В первой половине 2017 года он был самым продаваемым брендом Fiat-Chryslers в США. Самые выгодные автомобили Jeep для аренды - Wrangler Jeepers Sahara Edition, Wrangler Unlimited Sahara Edition и Wrangler Sport.

Founded: 1943 год

Headquarters: Толедо, Огайо, США

Официальное название: Джип

Products: Спортивно-утилитарные автомобили, Роскошные автомобили

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Поиск по широчайшему выбору марок и моделей автомобилей для аренды в Дубае, Абу-Даби, Шардже и Аджмане. Забронировать бюджетный прокат автомобилей, Внедорожники, Роскошные автомобили, Спортивные автомобили и многое другое прямо из местных агентств по прокату автомобилей. Более 700 выгодных предложений по аренде автомобилей на выбор!
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At OneClickDrive, we recognize that the trip to Abu Dhabi ought to be just as exciting as the final destination. The greatest way to start an adventure is to rent a Jeep Wrangler in Abu Dhabi. Imagine moving quickly through the congested city streets or exploring the untamed dunes in comfort and style.

Why Opt for Jeep Wrangler Rental Abu Dhabi? 

Prformance: The Jeep Wrangler has excellent performance. Envision yourself behind the wheel, feeling the power of the engine as you reach top speed of between 100 and 110 mph. The acceleration from zero to sixty kilometers per hour takes less than ten seconds. 

Flexibility: Jeeps are renowned for being excellent adventure partners. Whether you're riding through the city jungle or challenging terrain, their sophisticated suspension and raised riding position make for a comfortable ride. Because Jeep Wrangler rentals in Abu Dhabi provide both comfort and all-terrain functionality, this is the reason why people choose them for their travel needs. 

Fuel Economy: For a car this powerful, fuel economy is a bonus that adds to the thrill of the drive. 

Why Choose OneClickDrive for Jeep Rental Abu Dhabi?

Affordability and luxury combine at OneClickDrive. Using OneClickDrive is the start of an incredible experience, rather than merely a transaction. Whether you want a jeep rental Abu Dhabi for a family trip and require a larger vehicle like the Grand Cherokee or something smaller, our fleet has everything you need. 

Our user-friendly platform offers thorough comparisons between various Jeep models. In order to give you the best, we are pleased with the connections we have made with reliable rental companies. The flexible daily, weekly, and monthly rentals ensure that your dream vehicle doesn't break the bank. 

In addition, our customer care representatives are available 24/7 to assist you with any needs so you can begin planning your next adventure!

So what are you waiting for?

Джип car стоимость аренды в Абу-Даби

Ежедневно Еженедельник Ежемесячно
Джип Wrangler Неограниченное издание для Сахары (Зеленый), 2022 AED 550 AED 3,150 AED 9,000
Джип Гранд Чероки (Черный), 2023 AED 500 AED 3,185 AED 8,325
Джип Рэнглер (Зеленый), 2024 AED 350 AED 2,519 AED 7,000
Джип Рэнглер (Белый), 2024 AED 350 AED 2,200 AED 7,450

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Depending on the rental company, the model of the Jeep Wrangler, and any extra services or insurance you select, the cost of renting a Jeep Wrangler in Abu Dhabi could start from AED 600 per day.

The Jeep Wrangler does not have seven seats. Four to five people can usually fit in its seats. The Jeep Grand Cherokee L or other larger SUV models may be of interest to you if you require a car that can seat seven people.

Generally speaking, the Jeep Wrangler is not considered a luxury vehicle. More people just refer to it as a tough, off-road competent SUV. But some more expensive models and trim levels come with upscale amenities and more elegant interior design.

Absolutely, a Jeep is a great vehicle for a road trip. Jeeps are excellent for exciting road journeys because of their reputation for toughness and off-road prowess, especially models like the Wrangler.

When compared to other SUVs, Jeeps, especially the Wrangler versions with soft tops, might be noisier on the highway. This is because their design prioritizes off-road capability over peaceful interstate driving. A calmer ride could be had from other Jeep models or from hardtop versions.

Usually, one of the more upscale vehicles is the smoothest Jeep. For instance, the Jeep Grand Cherokee is renowned for offering a more comfortable and capable off-road ride. It is a fantastic option for anyone looking for a compromise between comfort and toughness because of its sophisticated interior and independent suspension.

Примечание: Приведенные выше объявления, включая цены, обновляются соответствующей компанией по прокату автомобилей. Если автомобиль не доступен по указанной цене (без НДС), пожалуйста информировать нас и мы свяжемся с вами, чтобы предложить лучший вариант. Счастливой аренды!

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