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Gelegen in Duqm, Budget auto huren herbergt een vloot van Sedan,Luxe auto,kruising,SUV in Duqm. Delivery is available at your location, Duqm airport for all our cars and you’re altijd welkom in ons filiaal in Al Tameer Street (in de buurt van Bank Muscat).
Onze prijzen behoren tot de beste op de markt en we streven ernaar u de beste service te bieden. Minimum in aanmerking komende leeftijd om een van onze auto's te huren in Oman is 20 jaar. Neem contact met ons op via telefoon, WhatsApp of via het aanvraagformulier op en onze vertegenwoordiger van Budget auto huren komt direct bij je terug!
Als u een inwoner van de VAE bent...

  • Rijbewijs VAE
  • Kopie van woonvisum
  • Kopie van Emirates ID

Als u een toerist / bezoeker bent...

  • Kopie van paspoort
  • Kopie van Visit Visa
  • Rijbewijs uit land van herkomst
  • Internationaal rijden Vergunning
  1. Sulatn Qaboos Grand Mosque
  2. Wahiba Sands
  3. Jebel Shams
  4. Wadi Ash Shab
  5. Nizwa Fort
  6. Bahla Fort
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Tonen 1 - 11 van 11 auto's
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All types of cars are available for rent in Duqm ranging from cheap cars to luxury sedans, sports cars and supercars. The most competitive rates are available from our suppliers online throughout the year.

Hire at the best market rates on daily, weekly, monthly and even yearly basis. Based on your preference and budget, select your desired hatchback, sedan, crossover, luxury or sports car, SUV, van or any type of vehicle. Compare offers and book with the car rental provider directly! hosts the largest selection of convertible cars, luxury cars, sports cars, exotic SUVs and supercars. Rent it for a day (24 hours minimum), a week or even on monthly-basis. All prices include insurance and standard mileage limit.

Looking for a cheap car rental in Duqm? OneClickDrive offers you the best rent a car in with over 700+ cars to choose from. Our huge collection of vehicles, helps you to choose a ride of your choice.

Veel Gestelde Vragen

The minimum driving age in Sur is 18, though you will have to be at least 21 years old to rent a car; most agencies issue a young-driver surcharge for all drivers under the age of 25.

Valid driver's licence which has been valid for at least three years with a minimum age of 21 years old. A credit card to make the payment and hold a deposit.

Yes it is possible to drive from UAE to Duqm in a rental car as per the law but most car rental companies choose to avoid this conversation. ... Normal driving limit in a car is 200-300 km.

Duqm is a gorgeous country that offers the keen adventurer a fantastic variety of things to see and do. ... As there is little to no public transport, driving in Duqm is by far the most popular and easiest way of getting around.

Tourists are allowed to drive in the Gulf country. It is also legal to rent a car in Duqm for citizens of other countries.

Opmerking: De bovenstaande lijsten inclusief de prijzen worden bijgewerkt door het betreffende autoverhuurbedrijf. Indien de auto niet beschikbaar is voor de vermelde prijs (exclusief btw), gelieve Informeer ons en we komen bij u terug met het beste alternatief. Veel plezier met huren!

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